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It corresponds to impose constraints only on firing rates of neurons. We have ζ β =
k =1 (1 + e β k ) and the corresponding Gibbs distribution is easy to compute:
e β k ω k ( l )
1+ e β k
μ [ ω m ]=
l = m
k =1
Thus, the corresponding statistical model is such that spikes are independent. We
callita Bernoulli model . The parameter β k is directly related to the firing rate r k
since r k = μ ( ω k (0) = 1 ) =
e β k
1+ e β k
, so that we may rewrite ( 8.25 )as:
r ω k ( l )
μ [ ω m ]=
1 −ω k ( l ) ,
r k )
l = m
k =1
the classical probability of coin tossing with independent probabilities.
Another prominent example of range-1 potential is inspired from statistical
physics of magnetic systems and has been used by Schneidman and collaborators in
[ 60 ] for the analysis of retina data (Sect. 8.4 ). It is called Ising potential and reads,
with our notations:
φ ( ω (0)) =
β k ω k (0) +
β kj ω k (0) ω j (0) log ζ β .
k =1
1 ≤j<k≤N
The corresponding Gibbs distribution provides a statistical model where syn-
chronous pairwise synchronizations ω k (0) ω j (0) between neurons are taken into
account, but neither higher order spatial correlations nor other time correlations are
considered. The function ζ β is the classical partition function ( 8.23 ).
The Ising model is well known in statistical physics and the analysis of spike
statistics with this type of potential benefits from a diversity of methods leading to
really efficient algorithms to obtain the parameters β from data [ 11 , 51 , 55 , 71 ].
Markovian Potentials
Let us now consider potentials of the form ( 8.7 ) allowing to consider spatial
dependence as well as time dependence upon a past of depth D .
Consider first a stationary Markov chain with memory depth 1. The potential has
the form:
N− 1
N− 1
k− 1
φ ( ω 0
β kjτ ω k (0) ω j ( τ ) log ζ β ( ω 0
β k ω k (0)+
1 ) . (8.27)
1 )=
k =0
k =0
j =0
τ = 1
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