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r =1 π ( T )
empirical average by 1
ω ( r ) [ f ]. This also allows the computation of error
bars as well as more elaborated statistical estimation techniques [ 48 ].
What if the stationarity assumption is violated? Then, the average of f depends
on time and one computes the empirical average from the
rasters. We denote
π ( N )
[ f ( n )] the average of f at time n , performed over
rasters. For example
r =1 ω ( r k ( n ) is the sample-averaged
probability that neuron k fires at time n . If all rasters are described by the same
probability (the Gibbs distribution which is also defined in the non-stationary case),
then π ( N )
when f ( ω )= ω k ( n ), π ( N )
[ f ( n )] =
[ f ( n )]
μ [ f ( n )]as
N→ +
Example of Empirical Average: Estimating Instantaneous
Pairwise Correlations
Assume that spikes are distributed according to an hidden probability μ supposed to
be stationary for simplicity. The instantaneous pairwise correlations of neurons k,j
with respect to μ is:
C ( k,j )= μ [ ω k (0) ω j (0) ]
μ [ ω k (0) ] μ [ ω j (0) ] .
Since μ is stationary the index 0 can be replaced by any time index (time-translation
invariance of statistics).
Assume now that we have a raster ω distributed according to μ . An estimator of
C ( k,j ) is:
C ( T )
( k,j )= π ( T )
π ( T )
[ ω k (0) ] π ( T )
[ ω k (0) ω j (0) ]
[ ω j (0) ] .
It converges to C ( k,j ) as T
The events “neuron k fires at time 0”( ω k ( n )=1) and “neuron j fires at time 0”
( ω j ( n )=1)are independent if μ [ ω k (0) ω j (0) ] = μ [ ω k (0) ] μ [ ω j (0) ], thus
C ( k,j )=0. (Note that independence implies vanishing correlation but the reverse
is not true in general. Here the two properties are equivalent thanks to the binary 0 , 1
form of the random variables ω k (0) j (0)).
Assume now that the observed raster has been drawn from a probability where
these events are independent, but the experimentalist who analyzes this raster does
not know it. To check independence he computes C ( T )
ω ( k,j ) from the experimental
raster ω . However, since T is finite, C ( T ω ( k,j ) will not be exactly 0.More
precisely, from the central limit theorem the following holds. The probability that
the random variable
C ( T )
( k,j )
is larger than , is well approximated (for large
T and small )by e 2 T
2 K . K can be exactly computed (Sect. ). In the simplest
case where spikes are drawn independently with a probability p of having a spike,
K is equal to p 2
p 2
). Th us, fluctuations are Gaussian and their mean-square
deviation decay with T as T . As a consequence, even if neuron j and k are
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