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Purging ESS jobs
Oracle Fusion Applications approaches purging in two phases. The phases are in
the following order:
Logical purging
Physical purging
In logical purging, the jobs are marked as purged but are not physically removed.
This happens during the physical purge process. We will review the setup for both
the logical and physical purge processes.
Logical purging
Oracle Fusion Applications provides a flexible approach to purge completed jobs.
You can purge requests by job types, job definitions, products, and applications, or
for jobs run by a particular user. When you configure the purge policy, it internally
calls the BatchDeleteJob . The steps to schedule a purge policy are as follows:
Log in to Oracle Fusion Application Control ( http://hostname:port/
em ).
Expand the directory tree Farm_Domainname | Expand Scheduling Ser-
vices , and click on ESSAPP .
Right-click on ESSAPP and click on Purge Policies , shown as follows:
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