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Each sequestered in its hate.
— W.H. Auden “In Memory of W.B. Yates,” 1939
Hitler and his henchmen created their regime of terror on several levels. [116] Foremost was
Hitler's messianic conviction that he alone was destined to restore the German people to
their former greatness. This conviction was aided by an uncanny ability to evoke adoration
from massed crowds and to play their emotions through his oratory.
Equally important were the hard facts of Weimar's political and economic life: a demo-
cracy that had been tried and found wanting and an economy incapable of improving the
lives of vast numbers of Germans.
In 1933 all political parties were banned except for the National Socialist Party (The Nazi
Party). Decrees of political and social “coordination” ( Gleichshaltung ) were issued. These
included purging from the civil service all Jews and all opponents of Nazism, along with
the abolition of independent state and provincial governments. Independent labor unions
were abolished; membership was transferred to a government-run German Labor Front.
The newly created Ministry of Popular Enlightenment and Entertainment took control of
newspapers, radio stations, and film studios. Loyalty and enthusiasm for the regime were
demanded of those who enlightened and entertained the public. At universities and in pub-
lic squares, mass book burnings became a form of public entertainment. Into the flames
went books by Jews, Communists, and all deemed unworthy of the new Germany.
In that same year, the first concentration camp was opened in Dachau, near Munich
(with enthusiastic support of the press). Homosexuals and opponents of the regime were
beaten, tortured, and often killed. “Fear of arrest and fear of informers” led to a “frightened
public conformity.” [117]
On the death of Weimar's President (General von Hindenburg) in 1934, Hitler added
the office of President to his office of Chancellor. He also became supreme commander of
the armed forces and imposed on its members an oath “to render unconditional loyalty to
the Fuhrer of the German Reich and its people, Adolph Hitler.” In his speech to the Parlia-
ment on July 13, he declared that the Nazi Party would be the “sole bearer of the politic-
al will of the nation.” [118] The secret state police, the Gestapo, were placed directly under
the Fuhrer's command. It was answerable to no one but its head (Heinrich Himmler) and,
through him, Adolph Hitler.
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