Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 2.9
Append dialog box for appending a file on disk to the one in memory.
master dataset water71503.dta by appending the using dataset to the
bottom of the master dataset.
If you looked at the master dataset before appending the other
files, you would have seen 82 observations; after appending, there are
412 observations.
The command for this type of document merge is
append using filename [ filename... ] [ , options ]
Remember the master file should have already been loaded into
memory before appending the using datasets with this command.
Again more detailed information about the options are available from
the Help file.
Another method Stata has to merge files is to merge them side-by-
side. Look at TableĀ 2.3, which illustrates this type of document merge.
In this example, a dataset was created when data on seedstems
(flowering) and doubles (doubled bulbs), which are undesirable char-
acteristics in onions, were collected from an onion variety trial. In
addition, a stand count was made of all the plots. Later, the plots were
harvested and the yield data were collected, which were entered into
a separate dataset. At some point, it was decided to merge these data-
sets in a side-by-side fashion to do additional analyses.
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