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ignore case and wrap around. The Wrap around checkbox allows the
search to continue at the beginning once the end of the document is
reached. Another editing feature of the Do-File Editor window is the
ability to select text and then drag it to another location in the window.
This is a handy feature for editing Do files. This feature also can be used
to copy text from one location to another by holding down the option
key on a Macintosh or control key on a Windows PC as you drag the
text. This makes a copy rather than just moving the text.
Under the Find submenu, there are several submenus with key-
board shortcuts that can make finding and replacing text within a
Do-File Editor window quick and easy. There is a Find Next, Find
Previous, and Find Selection. In addition, there are submenu items
for bookmarks that can be used in the Do-File Editor. Bookmarks
can be set for lines of code and can be quickly found again. These
submenu items are Next Bookmark, Previous Bookmark, and Toggle
Line numbers in the Do-File Editor can be found with the Go to
Lineā€¦ submenu. In small Do-Files, this may not be important, but
in larger files it may be, particularly if you are looking for an error in
the code.
The last two submenu items under Find menu are the Balance
Braces and Match Braces. Balance is used with [], {}, () brackets and
selects all the text in a Do-File Editor between any pair of these. In
programming, this can be an important tool to see what a particular
subroutine encompasses. The Match Braces submenu has a similar
function only it just moves the cursor to the matched bracket. To use
this command, the cursor must be in front of a specific bracket. The
usefulness of these commands will become more evident as you do
more programming.
The next menu item under Edit is the Advanced menu item. This
is used with the Do-File Editor to indent or unindent lines, make
selections upper or lower case, show or hide nonprinting characters,
and choose whether to wrap lines. The last two items are not available
on Windows or Unix PCs; however, on Windows computers, there
are View Whitespace and View End of Lines, which are functionally
the same.
The final two commands under the Edit menu are used when a
graph window is open. The first allows you to rename a graph. The
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