Agriculture Reference
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The next icon is the Log icon (it's suppose to look like a little log
book). This is where you can turn on a log (Begin) so that everything
you type, as well as the results, is entered into a file. You also can
Suspend and Resume your log and finally close the log file. You can
view your log or any log for that matter by selecting the View … option
under the Log icon. On a Windows computer, selecting the Log icon
the first time opens a dialog box for saving the log. Subsequent selec-
tions of the Log icon will bring up a dialog with selections for viewing
a snapshot of the log file, closing the log file, or suspending the log.
These log files will appear in a Viewer window when you open them.
Log files can be saved as either .smcl or .log files. The former is Stata's
markup and control language and the latter is a text file that can be
opened by any word processor or text editor.
The eye icon is for opening Viewer windows. You can open a new
Viewer window or, by holding down the icon, select any Viewer win-
dow that is open. Finally you can close all of the open Viewer win-
dows at once.
The next icon looks like a little graph and will bring the Graph
window to the front, if a graph has been constructed; otherwise it
won't work. If there are one or more graph windows open, this icon
will allow you to select a Graph window or Close All Graphs.
The next icon that looks like a page with a pencil is to start a Do-File
Editor Window. Stata is a fully programmable statistical package and the
Do-File Editor is where this is accomplished. You can enter lists of com-
mands in the Do-File Editor and Stata will execute them in sequence.
Further, these files can be saved, so you have a sequence of commands
that you can use more than once. The programming capabilities of Stata
go far beyond just a simple sequence of commands and that will be cov-
ered in greater detail in Chapter 7. Suffice it to say that just having the
capability to execute a sequence of saved commands can save a lot of time
and be a powerful tool in analysis. If you have more than one Do-File
window open, clicking and holding the Do-File Editor icon will show a
list of currently open Do-File windows, which you can choose to bring
to the front. Each Do-File is a separate tab in the Do-File Editor win-
dow. The Data Editor can be opened by clicking its icon.
The next icon is the Data Browser, which opens the Data Editor
window, but no changes can be made to the data in this view. This is to
help prevent you from inadvertently changing data in the Data Editor.
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