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spearman tube limb base
This also results in a matrix of correlations, but the values are slightly
different. In addition, with the spearman command, when only two
variables are included, the probability is shown indicating whether
the correlation is significant. The results of the correlations and the
spearman command with tube and limb are shown below:
correlate tube limb base
| tube limb base
tube | 1.0000
limb | 0.9550 1.0000
base | 0.7972 0.6781 1.0000
spearman tube limb base
| tube limb base
tube | 1.0000
limb | 0.9611 1.0000
base | 0.7525 0.6767 1.0000
spearman tube limb
Number of obs = 18
Spearman's rho = 0.9611
Test of Ho: tube and limb are independent
Prob > |t| = 0.0000
Whether calculating simple correlation or Spearman's correlation,
the relationships are considered linear. Not all relationships are linear
and real associations can occur and not be linear.
Linear Regression
Linear regression is often referred to as a model I problem because
the independent variable is fixed. This means that, in general, the
independent variable (X) has been decided on in advance or has some
finite value. For example, you might be interested in regressing food
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