Agriculture Reference
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This results in the following output:
Number of obs = 24 R-squared = 0.9860
Root MSE = .776656 Adj R-squared = 0.9731
Source | Partial SS df MS F Prob > F
Model | 508.881253 11 46.261932 76.69 0.0000
rep | 7.86583229 2 3.93291615 1.56 0.3903
fert | 262.020418 1 262.020418 104.06 0.0095
rep#fert | 5.0358341 2 2.51791705
green | 215.261242 3 71.7537472 118.96 0.0000
fert#green | 18.6979266 3 6.23264219 10.33 0.0012
Residual | 7.2383355 12 .603194625
Total | 516.119588 23 22.4399821
Both the fertilizer and green manure, as well as the fertilizer/green
manure, interactions were significant. To examine these values more
closely and determine what the effects are, use the margins and
marginsplot commands. he margins command in this case
can calculate the means for all combinations of fertilizer and green
manure and must be entered following an estimation command, such
as anova used here. To do this, enter the command
margins fert # green
This results in the following output:
Predictive margins Number of obs = 24
Expression : Linear prediction, predict()
| Delta-method
| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
fert#green |
0 1 | 13.5 .4484026 30.11 0.000 12.62115 14.37885
0 2 |15.23333 .4484026 33.97 0.000 14.35448 16.11219
0 3 | 22 .4484026 49.06 0.000 21.12115 22.87885
0 4 |18.93333 .4484026 42.22 0.000 18.05448 19.81219
120 1 |19.26667 .4484026 42.97 0.000 18.38781 20.14552
120 2 |23.93333 .4484026 53.37 0.000 23.05448 24.81219
120 3 |26.16667 .4484026 58.36 0.000 25.28781 27.04552
120 4 |26.73333 .4484026 59.62 0.000 25.85448 27.61219
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