Agriculture Reference
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This results in the following three ANOVA tables, one for each sow-
ing date.
-> date = 5 Oct
Number of obs = 16 R-squared = 0.8402
Root MSE = 6.39499 Adj R-squared = 0.7336
Source | Partial SS df MS F Prob > F
Model | 1934.875 6 322.479167 7.89 0.0035
rep | 416.1875 3 138.729167 3.39 0.0674
variety | 1518.6875 3 506.229167 12.38 0.0015
Residual | 368.0625 9 40.8958333
Total | 2302.9375 15 153.529167
-> date = 15 Oct
Number of obs = 16 R-squared = 0.4839
Root MSE = 3.46811 Adj R-squared = 0.1398
Source | Partial SS df MS F Prob > F
Model | 101.5 6 16.9166667 1.41 0.3096
rep | 31.25 3 10.4166667 0.87 0.4934
variety | 70.25 3 23.4166667 1.95 0.1927
Residual | 108.25 9 12.0277778
Total | 209.75 15 13.9833333
-> date = 29 Oct
Number of obs = 16 R-squared = 0.4000
Root MSE = .25 Adj R-squared = 0.0000
Source | Partial SS df MS F Prob > F
Model | .375 6 .0625 1.00 0.4799
rep | .1875 3 .0625 1.00 0.4363
variety | .1875 3 .0625 1.00 0.4363
Residual | .5625 9 .0625
Total | .9375 15 .0625
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