Agriculture Reference
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Enter the following command in Stata:
anova tiller rep trt block|rep, sequential
As mentioned with the BIB design, the order the variables are
entered and the option sequential are important for the design. The
results of this command are
Number of obs = 80 R-squared = 0.7531
Root MSE = 17.9712 Adj R-squared = 0.5665
Source | Seq. SS df MS F Prob > F
Model | 44322.2375 34 1303.59522 4.04 0.0000
rep | 5946.05 4 1486.5125 4.60 0.0034
trt | 26994.35 15 1799.62333 5.57 0.0000
block|rep | 11381.8375 15 758.789167 2.35 0.0138
Residual | 14533.3125 45 322.9625
Total | 58855.55 79 745.006962
Look at the ANOVA table comparing the intrablock mean square
(Residual) to the block, adjusted (block|rep) mean square. If the intra-
block mean square is larger than the block, adjusted mean square, no
further calculations are required and the results presented in the above
ANOVA table are correct (see Gomez and Gomez, 1984). The analysis is
not complete, in this case, however, because the intrablock mean square
(322.9625) is less than the block, adjusted mean square (758.789167).
At this point an adjustment term must be calculated as well as
adjustments to the treatment means. To calculate the adjustment term
is rather tedious, so a Do-File has been included that does this. Open
the Do-File by selecting the Do… menu item under the
File menu. The file is in the Do-Files folder that is avail-
able with the topic. Once the ile is open, run the ile
by selecting the Run icon in the upper right corner of the Do-File
Editor. Once this file has been run, enter the following command:
ballatadj tiller rep trt block
which results in the following output:
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