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meaning of the items. The order of the items rehearsed is exactly the same as the 32 items in
the program, thereby affording the opportunity to acquire initial associative strength
between successive items.
Figure 6 (bottom view) displays the item identification interface, which is labeled
Symbol Match in the title bar. This interface is intended to provide the learner with the
opportunity to rehearse discriminating the formal properties of the items in the program. The
purpose of this exercise is to help the learner discern differences among the items, and this
is a method of discrimination training (Catania, 1998). The learner is required to highlight the
displayed item from the list of all items, and this action is required until the item is highlighted
correctly. Similar to the item familiarity interface, the order of the items rehearsed in the item
identification interface is the same as the 32 items in the program, thereby affording a second
opportunity to acquire initial associative strength between successive items.
The Stage 4 item interface is presented next. Figures 7 through 10 present four item
interface views, which are labeled Learn Java Items in the title bar of each view. Interactive
Figure 7. The item interface with the extends keyword displayed. In the tutor, the color of
the item to be learned is blue to distinguish it from the previously learned items. The display
of the item is generated by the user's selection of the “Show Java” button at the bottom of
the interface. The next available step in the sequence is for the user to select the “Explain
it” button, which is enabled, to see a window presenting the explanation of the item. The
“Help” button is continuously available, and its selection displays a window explaining
the functionality of the interface and buttons
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