Information Technology Reference
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The following implementation concept has been developed as a guideline for all who
are responsible for implementing electronic government and the provision of public services
in the area of administration (Oberer, 2001). Organizational and legal aspects will be shown
as well as technical ones. This guide can be seen as a proposal for an e-government strategy,
where the concrete strategy has to be modulated regarding actual circumstances.
The main idea of the guidelines is a classification of the development process in different
temporal steps with different synthesizing content (Oberer, 2001).
Provisional results of one step can be seen as the basis for the following step and as
decision support for the decision maker. Nevertheless, there is no one-way information
provision (single-loop). Furthermore, it will be supported that results of subsequent steps
can be used for the improvement of decisions in former steps (feedback-loops). The
underlying e-government process is a dynamic one with steady organizational and technical
changes and adjustments. Therefore, of special interest for adjustments are changes of legal
conditions for services, development of demand for a service, new platforms, and IT-security
issues. The different steps of the e-government development process are as follows:
In this firm step, an e-government team must be formed that has to become qualified for
doing e-government, and the human resources union has to be integrated in this initialization
The main idea of this step is according to the global administrational targets to identify
and evaluate online-providable administrational services. At the end of this step, which of
the evaluated services will be implemented should be stated and provided electronically.
In the former step, identified services are analyzed in detail regarding data protection
and resulting security issues. Additionally, the underlying processes are analyzed, and
optimization possibilities are evaluated.
This includes a predefinition of the required information technology for the realization
of the electronic services according to the current circumstances and the existing platforms.
Furthermore, there have to be developed and completed existing IT security concepts.
The required technology and software has to be procured and installed and adjusted
to current circumstances. Furthermore, new components have to be integrated according to
existing security concepts, and the qualification process for the staff must be started.
Functional tests, revision of IT-security issues, and test modes must be prepared.
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