Information Technology Reference
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Although the majority of information systems students graduate and start work in
industry as information technology professionals, a minority reenroll in research degrees. In
a number of countries, the initial introduction to information systems research for university
students is via an Honors year that includes a substantial research dissertation component
(e.g., Australia, the United Kingdom). In Australia, this research component is normally
supervised by a single academic or two academics, and usually accounts for at least 50% of
the student's grade. The Honors year also commonly contains a number of advanced theory
topics and may contain a research methods course. Performance in the Honors year is a major
determinant of acceptance into a Ph.D. program.
Starting to undertake information systems research can be a difficult and unsettling time
for students (Clarke, 1998). This chapter describes one approach to facilitating the introduc-
tion of information systems research students to their research career: a structured group
research project with the instructor as an active participant. This approach is intended to be
complementary to the traditional means of research training, such as direct guidance by an
individual supervisor and formal research methods courses.
Various approaches have been proposed as being useful for helping information
technology students to acquire the skills and experience they need to undertake successful
research. The following section reviews some of these approaches.
For many students, their first exposure to the process of undertaking research is when
they enroll in a postgraduate research degree, and this may be a relatively solitary experience.
Cullen (1994) noted that in a number of countries, a single supervisor or supervisor and
associate supervisor is common, and students may not receive much input into their projects
from others. For example, in an Australian study he conducted, only 22% of students obtained
advice from anyone other than their primary supervisor. He pointed to an inadequacy in this
traditional means of supervising postgraduates and recommended that a study be made of
other strategies to restructure graduate education. He commented favorably on the American
Ph.D. system, which makes greater use of a panel of supervisors and thesis advisers.
In the Honors year, as well as during Ph.D. studies, a student's performance can be
dependent upon the input of individual supervisors. However, individual supervisors may
not have the time or interest to cover more than is strictly necessary for an individual project,
and thus, students may not acquire breadth in their research training. This may particularly
be the case when supervising students who are not directly in their area of interest.
Research Methods Courses
Whitten and Bell (1993) acknowledged that many research skills can only be learned
under the direction of a supervisor who is expert in the subject matter, but recognized that
researchers also need more general research knowledge and skills. Research methods
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