Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter XXIX
Community Informatics-
Enabling Emancipatory
Wal Taylor
Central Queensland University, Australia
John Dekkers
Central Queensland University, Australia
Stewart Marshall
Central Queensland University Australia
In this chapter, a philosophical framework used in the development of an online course is
provided. This philosophical framework is largely based on sociological theory that
argues the need for a student-centered approach to learning in the modern age. The authors
argue that this is an appropriate approach for the present and the future, which they
consider will increasingly need to address changing learner needs and demands. A learner-
centered approach can provide for self-paced learning, peer assessment, and opportunities
for interactions with fellow students, work colleagues, and other peers. To date, there have
been few examples of the integration of information technologies with emerging trends in
distance and lifelong learning.
In this chapter, a new philosophical stance and framework for online teaching, which
emphasizes the importance of placing the student at the center of the learning process is
articulated. This is achieved by directly engaging the student in “one to one,” “one to many,”
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