Information Technology Reference
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Table 8. Important issues related to online versus on-campus instruction
Issue Mean
Knowledge gained 3.90
Skills acquired 3.78
Access to information (resource materials) 3.15
Time required to complete coursework 3.33
Costs of tuition and fees 3.85
Schedule flexibility to accommodate work responsibilities 3.10
Note: Much more likely in an online course = 1; much more likely on campus = 5.
an online environment. Institutions wanting to increase the number of online students might
need to look for documentation of successful results from taking courses in that manner in
order to alter this perception.
Some additional advertising might be useful to institutions promoting the on-campus
option, as not all students' perceptions represent actual facts. For example, students
indicated that higher costs for tuition and fees were more likely a characteristic of an on-
campus environment, although the costs are higher for online courses at institutions in the
participants' local geographic area.
Students' perceptions of online programs should continue to be monitored by institu-
tions wanting to increase their participation in these programs. If these students' responses
are representative of potential students in general, institutions investing significant dollars
in online programs might want to investigate further the perception that on-campus courses
are providing more of the characteristics the students think are important.
Accetta, R. (2001, February 26). E-learning crossfire. . Retrieved
June 25, 2002, from
American InterContinental University-Online (n.d.). Why AIU online? Retrieved July 12,
2002, from
Dash, J. (2000). IT pros give online universities high marks. Retrieved June 21,
2002, from
Kumar, A., Kumar, P., & Basu, S. C. (2002). Student perceptions of virtual education; An
exploratory study. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Web-Based Instructional Learning (pp.
132-141). Hershey, PA: IRM Press.
Peltz, P. (2000, November 18). Do virtual classrooms make the grade? Retrieved
July 12, 2002, from
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