Information Technology Reference
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More than a decade ago, Mawhinney, Callaghan and Gale (1989) looked at undergradu-
ate business students' perceptions of the Information Systems (IS) profession and found that
their perceptions were inaccurate and narrowly focused. Have such perceptions changed
over the intervening years? Have, for example, the World Wide Web and publicity about companies and millionaires influenced the perception of computer information
systems (CIS) careers?
The motivation for the original study was a national decline in IS enrollments in the late
1980s that was adversely affecting staffing in the information systems industry. There is still
a need to explore this topic because a decade plus later there is a demonstrated lack of qualified
workers. According to the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) over
three-quarters of a million skilled workers are currently needed (Bredin, 2000).
Mawhinney, et al. (1989) believed that the decline in enrollments was due to misperceptions
about IS on the part of high school students. The popular understanding was that information
systems professionals worked in isolation writing computer programs. This perception is
partly true if you look at the majority of the entry-level positions for an IS person.
Another reason for a low number of people entering the field may be that this career
opportunity is simply not heavily promoted in high schools. A study out of Australia by von
Hellens and Nielson (2001) notes that engineering, mathematics, and science receive more
press from high schools than IS. They also report, (a.) “overall perceptions by both male and
female students of the IT degree as difficult and demanding” (p. 46) and (b.) perceptions from
solely female study participants are that IT people work alone, have little contact with other
people and the profession is strongly associated with high math skills. The findings of
Mawhinney, et al. (1989) were similar. Both the Mawhinney, et al. and the von Hellens and
Nielson studies were conducted in the mid to late 1980s, though the later study has collected
data through 2000. Statistical data comparing any differences-over-time were not included
in the article so it is not clear if perceptions have changed.
There are high school programs that are encouraging young people to explore
information systems careers. For example, Wings 21, a successful program (Greensberg,
2000) located in Omaha, NE, provides long-term exposure to technology and technology
careers. This kind of long-term positive exposure to computer technology may be a means
to promote accurate information regarding IS jobs as well as alleviate anxiety related to use
of technology, particularity computers.
In addition to a lack of understanding related to what an IS worker does in his/her job,
the dropout rate within entry-level college IS courses is a problem (Myers, 2001). Many
students feel they are computer literate until they enter an IS program. The skills that they
possess and the skills needed within an IS degree are likely to be disparate. Rather than a sink
or swim attitude on the part of colleges and universities, time spent coaching and encouraging
students on relevant computer skills for the IS degree may help them feel confident and able
to complete the program (Compeau, 1999). This means more than showing students the
benefits of technology or how to use a computer. It may require providing meaningful
situations in which to use technology (Venkatesh, 1999).
Using the same questionnaire with minor adaptations for our institution, we revisited
the original study by Mawhinney, et al. (1985) and looked at perceptions held by current
undergraduate business students. In this chapter we describe the study, the results and
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