Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Public-transport tickets are valid on all of Rome's bus, tram and metro lines, except for routes to Fiumicino air-
port. They come in various forms:
BIT ( biglietto integrato a tempo, a single ticket valid for 100 minutes and one metro ride) €1.50
BIG ( biglietto integrato giornaliero, a daily ticket) €6
BTI ( biglietto turistico integrato, a three-day ticket) €16.50
CIS ( carta integrata settimanale, a weekly ticket) €24
Abbonamento mensile (a monthly pass) €35
Children under 10 travel free. Buy tickets at tabaccaio , newsstands and from vending machines at main bus stops
and metro stations. They must be purchased before you start your journey and validated in the machines on buses,
at the entrance gates to the metro or at train stations. Ticketless riders risk an on-the spot €50 fine.
The Roma Pass ( ; 3 days €34) comes with a three-day travel pass valid within the city
Travelling Out of Town
For destinations in the surrounding Lazio region, Cotral ( 800 174471; ) buses depart from
numerous points throughout the city. The company is linked with Rome's public transport system, which means
that you can buy tickets that cover city buses, trams, metro and train lines, as well as regional buses and trains.
There are a range of tickets but your best bet is a daily BIRG (biglietto integrato regionale giornaliero) ticket,
which allows unlimited travel on all city and regional transport. It's priced according to zones; tickets range from
€3.30 to €14.
Get tickets from tabaccaio and authorised ATAC sellers.
Blue lines denote pay-and-display parking - get tickets from meters (coins only) and tabaccaio (tobacconist shops). Ex-
pect to pay up to €1.20 per hour between 8am and 8pm (or to 11pm in some places). After 8pm (or 11pm) parking is
generally free until 8am the next morning. Traffic wardens are vigilant and fines are not uncommon.
If your car gets towed away, call 06 6769 2303.
There's a comprehensive list of car parks on - click on the transport tab then car parks.
Useful car parks include the following:
Piazzale dei Partigiani (per hr/day €0.77/5;
Stazione Termini (Piazza dei Cinquecento; per hr/day €2/18;
Villa Borghese (Viale del Galoppatoio 33; per hr/day €2.20/20;
The centre of Rome doesn't lend itself to cycling: there are steep hills, treacherous cobbled roads and the traffic is ter-
rible. If you want to pedal around town, pick up Andiamo in Bici a Roma (€7), a useful map which details Rome's main
cycle paths.
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