Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
The first few buttons at the left end of the toolbar are the key manipulation tools:
Move Nearest Picked Key. When this tool is active, only the key nearest to the
cursor will move regardless of how many keys you select in the Graph Editor.
Insert Keys. With this tool active, simply select the curve with the left mouse but-
ton, then click and drag with the middle mouse button until you reach the place
where you want to insert a key.
Add Keys. This tool works similarly to Insert Keys, except that clicking with the
middle mouse button will dictate where the new key is placed. Holding the middle
button allows you to move the key around; it will not be committed to the curve
until you release the button.
There is an important difference between the Insert Keys and Add Keys
tools: Insert Keys will add keys at the position in time that you designate,
but only on the existing value curve. Add Keys will add a key wherever
you designate, but will not preserve the value curve.
Next on the toolbar are the two Stats input boxes. The first box shows you the frame num-
ber of the selected key, and the other box shows the key's attribute value. With a key selec-
ted, you can type absolute values into these input boxes to place the key in an exact place
or time.
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