Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Consult with the animators about how they would like the pole vector
icons set up. It may be that they should all be parented to a certain node,
or not parented at all.
The main Kila model is now bound and ready to go to the next and final stage, but what
about the other LODs?
Level of Detail Weights
We have worked hard to tweak the weights on the first LOD until Kila deforms accurately
as she moves. Now we need to apply the same weighting values to the other four levels
of detail. This does seem like a huge task, but luckily Maya has a handy tool—Copy Skin
Weights—that lets us copy the weights from the first LOD across to the others.
We first need to prepare the geometry as we did for the main model. Select the LOD group
in the Outliner, and make sure all the layers are visible and that each LOD is set to “show”
in the Channel Box ( Figure 14.45 ) .
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