Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
The HeadControls icon already has quite a few attributes on it, but we'll
hide some of these later in Chapter 15 , Finalize and Clean Up .
2. Go to Modify > Add Attribute to open the Add Attribute window.
3. Start with a basic Boolean called _ (a single underscore). This may seem to be a
strange name, but this is going to be a dummy attribute, acting as a divider to help
us quickly navigate the Channel Box and get to the attributes we need.
4. Right-click on the new attribute's name in the Channel Box, and select Lock Selec-
ted from the menu. This turns the attribute gray, which will also help us visually.
5. Now we will create the first section of actual attributes. Create four Float attributes
called Happy, Shock, Angry, and Injured, giving them a minimum value of 0 and a
maximum of 10 . These will form the main facial poses.
6. Create a second divider attribute, this time called __ (two underscores); you can't
repeat attribute names on the same object. Remember to lock this, too, using the
same method as in step 4.
we need for lip-synching.
7. Create 10 attributes this time, all with a Data Type of Float and having a minimum
value of 0 and a maximum of 10 . Call these O, CDENSZ, AKI, L, MPB, FV, Ooo,
Ahh, Smile, and Frown. These names represent the sounds the mouth will form.
8. Create and lock a third and final divider named ___ (three underscores). You will
now add attributes to control the eyelids and eyebrows.
9. Create six new float-type attributes named LeftInnerBrow, LeftOuterBrow,
RightInnerBrow, RightOuterBrow, LeftEyeLids, and RightEyeLids. Give these a
minimum value of -10 and a maximum value of 10 .
Your Channel Box should now resemble that shown in Figure 13.24 .
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