Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
As with Kila, we also want the ability to free Grae's feet from their IK constraints and an-
imate them using FK.
1. Select the LeftFoot icon. Holding Shift, add L_AnkleIK, L_BallIK, and L_ToeIK
to the selection.
2. Go to Animate > IK/FK Keys > Connect to IK/FK.
3. Using the Enable IK Solver tool in the same Animate > IK/FK Keys menu, you are
now free to toggle the state of the IK on the foot.
To finalize the left foot, clean things up a bit. Place both icons into the Rig_Controls layer.
Since we no longer need the IK handles, turn off the L_FootTwist's visibility, which will
hide all the IK handles parented under it.
utes to rig Grae's right foot. Then save the scene as Grae_LegRig.mb.
Main Body Controls
ment the main body controls. These will enable easier manipulation of Kila's hips, spine,
and waist. Then we'll do similar work on Grae's body.
Hips and Spine
Moving the main upper body of the characters will be done using the hips as the main con-
trol point. We simply need to create an icon to represent the hips' position and rotation.
1. Working in the Kila_LegRig.mb file again, create a third NURBS circle.
2. Snap the circle to the main Root joint of the hips. Then scale the circle as shown in
Figure 12.54 , so it lies outside the geometry of the character.
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