Game Development Reference
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FIGURE 9.8 Fix the texture on the sash. (See page C2 for color version.)
Lighter Shades and Highlights
With the base textures complete and in position, we can begin to add some details. In this
section we will paint in lighter shades and highlights.
First, let's follow the process illustrated in Figure 9.9 to add lighter shades to the front of
Kila's torso.
FIGURE 9.9 Add lighter shades to the torso front. (See page C2 for color version.)
1. Start by creating a new layer named Lighter Tones. Set the foreground color to be
a lighter shade of the skin tone. Don't just use white; it's not a realistic skin tone.
Try a pale yellow or pink color.
2. Using the Paint Brush tool at a size of 3, roughly mark in the areas of the torso that
would catch the light ( Figure 9.9b ).
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