Game Development Reference
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Start with the forehead. I chose to begin here because we've already reduced her hairline,
and the vertices in her hair no longer line up with her head.
1. Follow the edges down the brow, starting with the same edges we removed from
her hair, until you get to the eye area. If you're not sure which edges to choose,
they're shown in Figure 5.36 (left). Judging by the results in Figure 5.36 (right),
removing these edges doesn't cause a problem.
FIGURE 5.36 Optimizing the forehead
Time to make our first sacrifice; we need to reduce her ear. This is not a major loss,
however, because the texture will hold all the detail we need.
2. Flatten the outer face of the ear, but try to retain the ear's general shape ( Figure
5.37 ) .
FIGURE 5.37 Flatten out the face of the ear, keeping the overall shape.
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