Game Development Reference
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FIGURE 5.31 Try removing a few edges from the front.
Although it does looks fine ( Figure 5.31 , right), altering the hairline like this will reduce
the number of vertices along that edge, thereby changing how the face mesh lines up with
the hair. This will become obvious when the face is untemplated in subsequent steps.
4. Continue looking around the geometry for polygons to be removed. Another one
lies right on the top; you can see it in Figure 5.32 (left). It's a small polygon and
so should not cause any major problems when it's removed.
FIGURE 5.32 Remove this tiny polygon from the top of her hair.
We are finished now with the top portion of the hair; let's optimize the inner layers next.
1. Isolate the first layer so we can work on it alone ( Figure 5.33 , top).
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