Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
4. You may also notice that a few new cameras have popped up (persp1 and persp2,
for example)—the result of our having imported items earlier. Select and delete
these. Do not delete the four main cameras (persp, top, front, and side), but feel
free to remove any others.
5. Finally, rename group3 to Kila and save.
Modeling the Ear
Sonowwe'vefinishedoffthehair.Ournextstepistocreate aneartoplace ontheleftside
of Kila's head.
Before you start to model the ear, find a decent picture of an ear on the In-
ternet or in an anatomy topic. This will help you create an accurate model
(or texture, depending on how the ear will be represented).
1. Start with a new scene, and create the cube in Figure 4.26 using the following con-
figuration: Width 0.5 , Height 1.5 , Depth 1 , Subdivisions Along Width 1 , Subdi-
visions Along Height 5 , and Subdivisions Along Depth 2 .
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