Biology Reference
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R UST . Gymnosporangium bermudianum (III),
gall on stems, Gulf states; G. bethelii (III), on
stems, ND to OK, NM, WA; 0, I on hawthorn;
G. clavariiforme (III), gall on stems, ME to AL
west to MT; 0, I on Amelanchier , chokeberry,
quince, pear; G. clavipes (III), quince rust, on
stems, ME to IL, MT; 0, I on Amelanchier ,
hawthorn, quince, apple; G. corniculans (III),
gall on stems, ME, MI, NY, WI; 0, I on
Amelanchier ; G. cornutum (III), gall on stems,
leaves, CO, ME, MI; 0, I on mountain-ash;
G. davisii (III), leaf gall, ME, WI; 0, I on choke-
berry; G. effusum (III), gall on stems, NY to SC;
0, I on chokeberry; G. exiguum (III), on leaves,
CA, OK, TX; 0, I on hawthorn; G. exterum (III),
gall on stems, KY; 0, I, Gillenia ; G. floriforme
(III) gall, on leaves, stems, SC to FL, OK, TX; 0,
I on hawthorn; G. globosum, hawthorn rust
(III); 0, I on hawthorn, apple, pear, mountain-
ash; G. harknessianum (III), on western juni-
per; 0, I on Amelanchier ; G. inconspicum (III),
CA, CO, UT; 0, I on Amelanchier ; G. gracile,
Witches' Broom (III), 0, I, on sand pear;
G. clavipes, galls on stems, VA; G. globosum,
gall on stems, VA; G. exterum,gallonstems,
VA; G. juvenescens (III), gall on stems,
Witches' Broom, MN, NE, WI; 0, I on
Amelanchier ; G. japonicum (III), CT, MA,
NJ, WA; 0, I on Photinia ; G. kernianum,
Witches' Broom, ID, OR to AZ, NM; 0, I on
Amelanchier ,pear;G. multiporum (III), CO to
CA, NM; 0, I unknown; G. nelsonii (III), gall on
stems, MT, SD; 0, I on hawthorn, crabapple,
mountain-ash, quince, Amelanchier ;
G. nidusavis (III), gall on stems; Witches'
Broom, East and South; 0, I on Amelanchier ,
apple, hawthorn, mountain-ash, quince;
G. speciosum (III), on stems, AZ, CO, NV,
NM; 0, I on Fendlera, Philadelphus ;
G. trachysorum (III), on stems, FL, LA, MS,
SC; G. tremelloides (III) gall on stems, CO to
Pacific Northwest; 0, I on mountain-ash;
G. tubulatum (III), gall on stems, SD to OR,
WA; 0, I on hawthorn; G. vauqueliniae (III), on
one-seed juniper; 0, I on Vauquelinia ,causing
Witches' Broom.
R UST , Cedar-Apple. Gymnosporangium
juniperi-virginianae (III), gall on leaves of
Juniper, Red-Cedar (Juniperus)
tumefaciens, FL, MS.
B LACK M ILDEW . Apiosporium pinophilum,OR;
Dimerium juniperi,CA;Asterina cupressina.
B LIGHT , Brown Felt. Herpotrichia nigra, north-
ern Rockies to Pacific Northwest.
B LIGHT , Leaf. Chloroscypha juniperina, IA;
Pestalotia funerea, secondary; Cercospora
sequoiae var. juniperi, CT, IA, KY, MO,
NE, OK, WI; Exosporium glomerulosum,
NC, SC; Stigmina juniperina.
B LIGHT , Nursery, Phomopsis juniperovora,MA
to FL, KS, MN.
B LIGHT , Tip Dieback. Sclerophoma pythiophila,
B LIGHT , Twig. Phomopsis juniperovora, VA.
C ANKER . Botryosphaeria stevensii,IA;Coryneum
cardinale,CA;Caliciopsis nigra, gall, NY.
C ANKER , Bark Patch. Aleurodiscus nivosus, AL,
D IEBACK ,B RANCH . Diplodia mutila, PA.
densum and
P. juniperinum, widespread.
N EEDLE C AST ; Leaf Spot. Lophodermium
juniperinum, widespread, secondary;
Cylindrocarpon sp., OR; Kriegeria sp., OR.
N EMATODE ,Lesion.Pratylenchus vulnus,NC.
P ARASITE , “False Foxglove”. Aureolaria grandi-
flora var. serrata, TX.
P HYTOPLASMA , Witches' Broom, OR.
R OT , Heart. Fomes juniperinus, PA to KY, TN;
F. earlei, Southwest; F. subroseus, general;
F. texanus, AZ, NM, TX.
R OT , Root. Armillariella mellea, CA.
R OT , Root. Clitocybe tabescens, FL;
Phymatotrichum omnivorum, OK, TX;
Phytophthora cactorum; P. citrophthora,
CA; P. dreschleri, NC; P.
lateralis, NC;
P. syringae, NC.
R OT , Root. Fomes annosus, VA.
R OT , Root and Crown. Phytophthora
cinnamomi, CA; P. cryptogea, CA.
R OT , Wood. Lenzites saepiaria, occasional;
Coniophora corrugis, Pacific Northwest;
Daedalea juniperina, SC to AR.
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