Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
macrospermum, New England;
Dasyscyphus resinaria, MN; Nectria
fuckeliana, CA, OR; N. balsameae, NC,
PA; Phomopsis boycei, ID, MT; P. fokoyae,
CA.; P. montanensis; Ophionectria
scolecospora, widespread; Scleroderris
abieticola, OR; Sphaeropsis abietis, MI;
Valsa ( Cytospora ) kunzei; Thyronectria
balsamea, CO.
C ANKER , Pitch. Fusarium circinatum, CA.
D IEBACK , Twig. Sydowia polyspora, CA.
M ISTLETOE . Arceuthobium americanum,
WA; A. campylopodium, widespread in
West; A. douglasii, NM, OR, WA;
A. laricis,WA;Phoradendron pauciflorum,
N EEDLE C AST ; Blight. Bifusella abietis, ID, MT,
WA; B. faullii, ME, MI, NH; Hypoderma
robustum, CA, ID, OR, WA; Hypodermella
abietis-concoloris, widespread on western
firs; H. mirabilis, MI; H. nervata, ME, NH,
VT; H. punctata, ID, OR; Lophodermium
piceae, tar spot, widespread, weakly parasitic;
L. autumnale, CA, ID, MI, OR, UT, WY;
L. consciatum; L. decorum; L. uncinatum;
L. lacerum, NH, NY, PA, VT.
N EEDLE C AST ; Blight. Tirula nervisequa con-
spicuous, CA.
N EMATODE . Nacobbodera chitwoodi, OR.
R OT , Heart. Stereum sanguinolentum, wide-
spread; Polyporus sulphureus, general.
R OT , Crown. Phytophthora cactorum, VA.
R OT , Hypocotyl. Fusarium oxysporum, CA.
R OT , Root. Armillariamellea, New England,
NY; Fusarium solani, PA; F. oxysporum,
PA; F. avenaceum, PA; Phytophthora
cinnamomi, NC; P. capsici, MI; P. citricola,
NC; P. drechsleri, NC; P. ramorum, CA;
Verticicladiella wagenerii, Pacific Coast;
Poria weirii, OR.
R OT ,Wood.Coniophora puteana, New England,
NY; C. corrugis,AZ,CO,WY;Fomes
annosus,CO;Echinodontium tinctorium;
Hydnumabietis; H. balsameum; Polyporus
spp.; Poria spp.
R UST , Fir-Broom. Melampsorella caryophyl-
lacearum, NY.
R UST , Fir-Fern. Milesia fructuosa (0, I) on new
needles, ME, NH, NY; II, III on Dryopteris ;
M. marginalis, MA, NH, NY;
M. polypodophila (0, I), ME, NH, NY, on
old needles; II, III on Polypodium ,
Hyalopsora aspidiotus (0, I), on 2-year
needles; II, III on Dryopteris ; Uredinopsis
mirabilis (0, I), general; II, III on sensitive
fern; U. osmundae (0, I), widespread; II, III
on Osmunda ; U. struthiopteridis, ID, MI,
OR, WA; II, III on ostrich-fern;
U. phegopteridis (0, I); II, III on Dryopteris .
R UST , Fir-Fireweed. Pucciniastrum
pustulatum, widespread; II, III on Epilobium.
R UST , Fir-Huckleberry. Pucciniastrum
goeppertianum, widespread on western firs,
and ME, PA, WI; II, III on Vaccinium .
R UST , Fir-Willow. Melampsora abieti-
capraearum, widespread; II, III on willow.
R UST , Needle. Caeoma faulliana, OR;
Peridermium ornamentale, ID, MT, OR,
WA; P. rugosum, CA, OR, WA.
R UST , Witches' Broom. Melampsorella cerastii,
general; II, III on chickweed.
W ILT ,Dieback.Phytophthora ramorum,CA.
Despite this long list of possibilities the
gardener should not have much trouble with
ornamental firs. Rehmiellopsis tip blight yellows
needles of new growth and causes twig dieback of
native balsam firs in the Northeast but can be
controlled with copper sprays, which will also
aid in preventing needle-cast diseases. Avoid
bark and branch injuries that induce cankers.
Rust is taken care of, if necessary, by eliminating
the proper alternate host, but only a specialist can
identify the many different rust species.
Firecracker Plant (Crossandra
V IRUS . Alternanthera Mosaic, FL, MD, PA.
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