Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
R OT , Root. Phymatotrichum omnivorum, TX;
Pythium aphanidermatum;
Desert-Plume (Stanleya)
P. ultimum;
P. vexans.
R OT , Stem. Phytophthora sp., MN; Sclerotinia
sclerotiorum, widespread.
R UST . Puccinia delphinii (III), CA; P. recondita
(0, I), NE to NM, CA.
S MUT , Leaf and Stem. Urocystis sorosporioides,
S MUT , White.
L EAF S POT . Cercospora nasturtii, KS.
R UST . Puccinia aristidae, CO, NV.
Desert-Rose (Adenium obesum)
Entyloma winteri,
L EAF S POT . Aristastoma sp., FL.
V IRUS . Tomato Spotted Wilt, FL; Cucumber
Mosaic, FL.
E. wyomingense, WY.
V IRUS . Delphinium Ring Spot, CA; Celery Cal-
ico, CA, ID, WA; Beet Curly Top, CA;
Cucumber Mosaic; Tomato Spotted Wilt,
CA; Delphinium Vein-Clearing, AK.
W ILT . Verticillium albo-atrum, NY, WA.
Oneofthechiefdelphinium problems is
a condition known as “blacks”, which looks like
a disease and is often confused with bacterial black
spot but is caused by cyclamen mites. Plants are
stunted and deformed; buds turn black. The bacterial
disease causes black tar spots on leaves but no defor-
mity, no stunting of the whole plant. Crown rot or
southern blight is often fatal to delphiniums. When
yellowing and wilting appear, check the soil around
the crown for reddish sclerotia and white mycelium
and take immediate sanitary measures. Many foot,
collar, and root rots and stemcankers afflict delphin-
ium. Because of these, many gardeners grow hybrid
delphinium as biennials, rotating locations, choos-
ing well-drained sites. Virus diseases are more
important along the Pacific Coast. Use virus-free
planting stock and rogue out infected individuals.
Desert-Willow (Chilopsis)
D AMPING -O FF . Pythium ultimum, NE; Rhizoc-
tonia solani, NE, TX.
L EAF S POT . Phyllosticta erysiphoides.
R OT , Root. Phymatotrichum omnivorum,
Desmodium (Arrowleaf)
V IRUS . Peanut Mottle, GA.
L EAF S POT . Cercospora deutziae, DE, IA, TX;
Phyllosticta deutziae, AL, IA, NJ, TX.
N EMATODE , Root Knot. Meloidogyne spp.
R OT , Root. Armillaria mellea, CA.
Devils-Club (Oplopanax)
V IRUS . Bidens Mottle, FL.
B LIGHT , Gray Mold. Botrytis cinerea, AK.
L EAF S POT . Cercospora daemonicola, OR.
Desert Bird of Paradise (Caesalpinia)
Devilwood (Osmanthus americanus)
P OWDERY M ILDEW . Leveillula taurica, AZ.
B LACK M ILDEW . Asterina asterophora, FL,
GA; A. discoidea; A. purpurea, FL;
Lembosia oleae,MS;Meliola amphitricha,
FL to MS.
Desert-Candle (Eremurus)
L EAF S POT . Myrothecium roridum, OH.
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