Biology Reference
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late summer with glistening surface. Berries are
small, poor; diseased canes are readily winter-
killed. Transmission is by small raspberry aphid
( Aphis rubiphila ). Cuthbert variety is most sus-
ceptible. Rogue diseased plants.
dark green, often twisted upside down. New
canes have bluish dots or streaks near the base
and sometimes on branches of fruiting spurs.
Fruit is small, poor; plants are short-lived. Symp-
toms are less severe in the mild streak strain.
Roguing aids in control.
Raspberry Beta Leaf Curl Luteovirus
Raspberry Yellow Mosaic
Yellow Net Bednavirus
Infecting blackcaps, especially Cumberland, but
also causing severe curling on Cuthbert and
hybrid purple Columbian.
Black raspberries are severely dwarfed; fruiting
laterals are more upright than normal; foliage is
yellow; leaflets are long and narrow. Symptoms
show at high temperatures, while those of red
raspberry mosaic are masked. Plants are weak-
ened, die in 2 or 3 years. Transmitted by the
raspberry aphid.
Raspberry Decline
On red raspberry.
Raspberry (Red) Mosaic
Red Clover Vein Mosaic Carlavirus
Green Mottle; Mild Mosaic; Yellows. Wide-
spread on red and black raspberries, dewberry
and blackberry. Symptoms vary greatly, but usu-
ally mottled areas are darker green than rest of
leaf tissue; there may be blistering and curling
downward. On blackcaps, tips are stunted,
fruiting laterals shortened, fruit seedy or with
poor flavor. Foliation of diseased plants is
delayed. Transmission by aphids.
Caused vein yellowing and mosaic on infected
red clover plants.
Rhododendron Necrotic Ringspot
Transmitted by grafting; infected Rhododendron
spp. showed necrotic rings on leaves.
Raspberry (Black) Necrosis
Rhubarb Chlorotic Ring Spot
On red and black raspberries and perhaps related
to red raspberry mosaic. Leaves are curled down,
have necrotic spots.
Chlorotic spots and rings, necrotic stippling and
rings on leaves of rhubarb, reported fromOregon.
Raspberry Ringspot Nepovirus
Rhubarb Ring Spot
Virus known also as Red Currant Ringspot is
transmitted by nematode, Longidorus spp. Rasp-
berry cultivars differ in susceptibility.
Caused by Turnip Mosaic Potyvirus.
Raspberry Streak
Rhynchosia Golden Mosaic
Eastern Blue Streak, Rosette. On black raspberry.
Plants are stunted, smaller in successive seasons,
leaves usually curled, close together on canes,
Reported on soybean in Mexico.
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