Biology Reference
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lacerations to give the tatter-leaf effect. Trans-
mission by grafting or budding, and, to a small
extent, seed. Control by testing budwood sources
on a differential host, such as Shirfugen variety of
Prunus serrulata , sensitive to all strains.
margins irregular; some leaves with elongated,
slotlike perforations; small blisters on lower
side of veins, upper silvery. Leaves may fold
along midrib, wilt and drop in midsummer.
Rosetting of some branches. Blossoms abnor-
mally abundant, but fruit reduced, pointed, flat-
tened on one side with swollen ridge.
Cherry (Flowering) Rough Bark
Cherry Yellows ¼ Prune Dwarf
On Kwanzan flowering cherry. Internodes short-
ened; leaves in clusters and arched downward
from necrosis and cracking of midribs; bark
deep brown, rough with longitudinal splitting;
trees dwarfed.
Widespread on sour cherry. Yellow areas enlarge
to cover whole leaves; defoliation. Diseased
leaves and fruit larger than on healthy trees, but
yield reduced by half. Transmission by budding
and through seed.
Cherry Rugose Mosaic ¼ Strain of
Prunus Necrotic Ringspot Ilarvirus
Chickpea Filiform Potyvirus
On sweet cherry. General chlorosis of leaf
between midvein and margin, with distortion;
fruit yield reduced; fruits flattened, angular.
Transmission by grafting; incubation 9 months.
On chickpea. Found in Washington State, but
there is no evidence of spread.
Cherry Rusty Mottle
Chrysanthemum Aspermy
On sweet cherry. Many leaves turn bright yellow
to red with islands of green, and drop before
harvest; remaining leaves have yellow-brown
spots, rusty appearance; fruit is small, late,
insipid. Remove diseased trees. Select grafting
material from virus-free trees.
Tomato Aspermy Cucumovirus.
Chrysanthemum Chlorotic Mottle
Widespread in greenhouses and gardens. Bonnie
Jean, Ridge, and Delaware varieties are used as
Cherry Twisted Leaf
On Bing cherry, severe stunting, leaves small,
distorted, distal portion bent abruptly downward;
sometimes defoliation.
Chrysanthemum Flower Distortion
Apparently not widespread in United States.
Virus is carried without symptoms in leaves of
White Wonder, but if this is grafted to Friendly
Rival, flowers are extremely dwarfed and
distorted, with ray florets short, narrow, incurved,
or irregularly curved.
Cherry Vein Clearing
Sweet Cherry Crinkle. A viruslike disease but not
transmissible; probably genetic. Clearing of
veins throughout leaves or in localized areas;
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