Biology Reference
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veinbanding mosaic and mild mosaic. There is
no marked reduction in yield. Hosts other than
members of Rosaceae family include filbert, hop,
birch, and horse chestnut.
Almond Bud Failure
Virus on Drake almond, in California, is trans-
missible by grafting. Limbs have many branches,
some dead at the end; leaves are darker green,
more upright, retained longer than normal; fruits
few, often misshapen.
Apple Stem Grooving Capillovirus
First reported in Viriginia Crab. The main symp-
toms are stem grooves and abnormal graft union.
Almond Calico
On almonds in California, graft transmissible.
Chlorotic blotches in leaves.
Tulare Apple Mosaic Ilarvirus
Reported from California; has a wider host range
than apple mosaic.
Alstroemeria Mosaic Potyvirus and
Alstromeria Streak Potyvirus
Apple, Dapple
Both viruses are transmitted by aphids in a non-
persistent manner.
Fruit with circular islands or patches remaining
green; on trees with Virginia crab or Robusta
V bodystock; first noted in New Hampshire.
Alternanthera Mosaic Potexvirus
Found in Florida, Maryland, and Pennsylvania on
skullcap, firecracker plant and moss rose.
Apple Stem-Pitting
Wood-pitting in Virginia Crab bodystock, some-
times followed by bark cracks, dwarfing, early
fruit production.
Apple Chlorotic Leaf Spot Trichovirus
Originally considered as a closterovirus but now
is the type species of Trichovirus genus.
Apricot Gummosis
Apple Green Mottle
First noted inWashington in 1947; transmitted by
budding. Profuse gumming on branches and
trunks, necrosis and dieback of new shoots;
dead, punky areas in fruit.
On Duchess variety in New York. Fruit with
discolored rings, of little value.
Apple Mosaic Ilarvirus
Apricot Ring Pox
Occurring naturally only on apples; no insect
vector known; transmitted by budding. Small
irregular cream to yellow leaf spots coalesce to
large chlorotic areas, with or without vein-
banding. Three strains cause severe mosaic,
In California and Colorado. Irregular ring spots
with marked vein clearing in some varieties,
chlorotic mottling in others; dead tissue may fall
out leaving shot holes. Fruit bumpy or with red-
dish brown necrotic spots extending into flesh.
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