Biology Reference
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reported from Florida. Numerous spots on leaves
and stems are scattered or grouped and nearly
confluent; centers are depressed, buff-colored,
with purple margins.
Sphaceloma menthae Mint Anthracnose ,
Leopard Spot Disease . Circular, oval or irregular
spots on leaves, stems, and rootstocks are black
with white centers, up to 5 mm. Formerly serious,
this disease is now controlled in commercial mint
fields by fall plowing, covering plants deeply.
Sphaceloma morindae Morinda Scab . Buff-
colored spots on leaves, stems, and petioles,
Sphaceloma murrayi Gray Scab of willow.
Leaf spots are round, irregular, somewhat raised,
grayish white with narrow, dark brown margins,
often confluent, sometimes fragmenting;
Sphaceloma psidii Guava Scab , reported in fei-
joa in Florida.
Sphaceloma punicae Pomegranate Spot
Anthracnose . Very small purple spots with
paler centers on both leaf surfaces.
Sphaceloma ribis Gooseberry Scab , Washing-
ton. Leaf spots numerous, very small, raised, and
Sphaceloma spondiadis Mombin Scab .On
purple mombin ( Spondias ) Florida.
Sphaceloma symphoricarpi Snowberry
Anthracnose , widespread on snowberry,
impairing beauty of ornamental plants, first
described from New York in 1910; also on coral-
berry. Leaf spots appear in early spring, minute,
dark purple to black, aging with dirty gray cen-
ters, coalescing into large areas subject to crack-
ing. Leaves may be misshapen from early
marginal infections. Spotting is inconspicuous
in flowers but pronounced on berries, with purple
areas becoming sunken and pinkish. Secondary
infection by an Alternaria shrivels fruit into
brown mummies. A dormant lime-sulfur spray
followed by foliage sprays may help.
narrow patches along veins.
Sphaceloma oleandri Oleander Scab . Leaf
spots spherical to irregular, densely grouped
over entire surface, whitish with brownish black
margin, slightly elevated, 1 to 4 mm.
Sphaceloma perseae Avocado Scab , one of the
most important avocado diseases in Florida,
some years with nearly 100 % infection; also
occurring in Texas. Leaf lesions are mostly on
upper surface, very small red spots with a dark
olive conidial growth. Fruit lesions are corky,
raised, brownish, oval, but often coalescing giv-
ing a russeted appearance; sometimes cracking to
allow entrance of fruit-rotting fungi. Avoid
highly susceptible varieties like Lulu. Spray
with bordeaux mixture as for blotch.
Sphaceloma poinsettiae Poinsettia Scab .
Light raised lesions on stems, veins, and midribs,
pale buff at center with purple to nearly black
viburni Snowball
Anthracnose .
Sphaceloma violae Violet Scab , Pansy Scab ,
widespread on violet and pansy from Connecticut
to Louisiana and Texas, a limiting factor in
maintaining violet collections. Reddish spots
with white centers change to irregular to elon-
gated raised scabs on leaves and stems, often with
much distortion. Remove and burn old leaves.
Sphaceloma spp Undetermined species have
been reported on Bignonia , catalpa, camellia,
and sambucus, in Louisiana, on buttonwood in
Florida, rhododendron in Washington.
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