Biology Reference
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the feeder roots of plants. There may be very
high soil populations.
Xiphinema bakeri Dagger Nematode .On
Xiphinema chambersi Chamber's Dagger
Nematode . Causing a decline in strawberries, with
stunting and sunken, reddish brown root lesions.
Xiphinema diversicaudatum European
Dagger Nematode . A proven pathogen of rose,
strawberry, peanut, fig, tomato, soybean, garden
balsam, and other plants. This species is very
common in commercial rose greenhouses, reduc-
ing vigor, causing chlorosis. Galls are formed on
rose roots; they are similar to root-knot galls but
more elongate and nearer the tip of the root, caus-
ing it to curl. Cleaning up a greenhouse infestation
means disposal of all plants in a bed, careful ster-
ilization of soil, and replanting with clean stock.
Xiphinema index California Dagger Nematode .
Reported on Boston ivy, grape, fig monkshood
vine, pistachio, and rose. Feeding in root tips
causes a terminal swelling with angling of main
roots, death of lateral roots.
Xiphinema radicicola Pacific Dagger Nema-
tode . Reported on oak, in Florida.
Longidoridae. Dagger nematodes; very common
migratory ectoparasites; very long, males and
females both wormlike; long, slender stylet
from a bottle-shaped esophagus.
Xiphinema americanum American Dagger
Nematode . A native, first described in 1913
from specimens taken around roots of corn,
grasses, and citrus trees. Found all over the
United States associated with many kinds of
plants, including ash, azalea, bean, boxwood,
clover, camellia, citrus, dogwood, elm, gera-
nium, melon, oak, palm, pea, pecan, peach,
pepper, pine, poplar, rose, soybean, strawberry,
sweet potato, tomato, viburnum, vinca, and wal-
nut. In addition to its causing decline and some-
times winterkill by its feeding on roots, this
species is believed to transmit tomato ringspot,
peach yellow bud mosaic, and grape yellow vein
viruses and to increase the incidence of
Cytospora canker on spruce. Dagger nematodes
may be introduced into greenhouses with virgin
soil from the woods and may destroy almost all
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