Biology Reference
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unimportant as a leaf spot; fruits have a hard,
dry rot.
Phyllosticta wistariae Wisteria Leaf Spot , more
important in the South.
Pirostoma nyssae (see
Tubackia dryira ).
Tupelo Leaf Spot .
Tubackia dryina (formerly Pirostoma nyssae ).
Tupelo Leaf Spot .
Chytridiomycetes, Blastocladiales
Deuteromycetes, Coelomycetes
Definite mycelium with terminal and intercalary
enlargements which are transformed wholly or in
part into sporangia and resting spores; sporangia
rare, oospores abundant, globose or ellipsoidal.
Affected plant parts are discolored or slightly
Physoderma maydis Brown Spot of corn, Corn
Measles , Corn Pox , Dropsy , most prevalent in
the South. Very small, bleached or yellowish
spots darken to brown or reddish brown with
a light margin. Adjacent spots may coalesce
to give the whole blade a rusty appearance.
Spots on midrib and leaf sheath are larger, up to
1/4 inch, irregular to square, darker than leaf
lesions. The entire sheath may turn brown on
death of host cells; the epidermis ruptures, expos-
ing brown spore dust. In severe infections low
nodes are girdled so stalks break over. The resting
spores remain in soil or plant refuse over winter,
germinating by swarm spores the next spring.
A fairly high temperature and low, wet land
favor the disease. Remove plant refuse early;
rotate crops.
Pycnidia globose, dark, in a discoid stroma;
spores hyaline, one-celled; teleomorph state in
Dothideales .
Cheilaria agrostis (formerly Placosphaeria
graminis ). Tar Spot on redtop grass.
graminis (see
agrostis ). Tar Spot on redtop grass.
Placosphaeria haydeni Black Spot , Tar Spot on
goldenrod and aster, stems and leaves.
Laestadia (Plagiostoma)
Ascomycetes, Diaporthales
Spores two-celled, hyaline.
Laestadia asarifolia (formerly Plagiostoma
asarifolia ). Fruit Rot , Early Rot , Scald , Blast on
cranberry, also blueberry. Small, circular gray
spots, with one to six pycnidia in center, have
brown margins. The disease is unimportant as
a leaf spot; fruits have a hard, dry rot.). Leaf
Spot on wild ginger.
prenanthis (formerly
prenanthis ).
asarifolia ). Fruit Rot , Early Rot , Scald , Blast on
cranberry, also blueberry.
Plagiostoma prenanthis (see
Mycosphaerella prenanthis ). Leaf Spot on
Phytophthora ramorum Leaf Spot
oak death), California buckeye.
Tubackia (Pirostoma)
Deuteromycetes, Coelomycetes
Pycnidia superficial, with a shield; spores one-
celled, dark.
Pleiochaeta setosa Leaf Spot on Genista.
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