Database Reference
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EOMONTH(< start_date >, < months >)
Returns the date, in datetime for-
mat, of the last day of the month,
before or after a specified number
of months. Use EOMONTH to calculate
maturity dates or due dates that fall
on the last day of the month.
HOUR(< datetime >)
Returns the hour as a number from 0
(12:00 A.M.) to 23 (11: 0 0 P. M . ) .
MINUTE(< datetime >)
Returns the minute as a number from
0 to 59 , given a date and time value.
MONTH(< datetime >)
Returns the month as a number from
1 (January) to 12 (December).
Returns the current date and time in
datetime format.
SECOND(< time >)
Returns the seconds of a time value,
as a number from 0 to 59 .
TIME( hour , minute , second )
Converts hours, minutes, and seconds
given as numbers to a time in date-
time format.
TIMEVALUE( time_text )
Converts a time in text format to a
time in datetime format.
Returns the current date.
WEEKDAY(< date >, < return_type >)
Returns a number from 1 to 7 identi-
fying the day of the week of a date.
By default the day ranges from 1
(Sunday) to 7 (Saturday).
WEEKNUM(< date >, < return_type >)
Returns the week number for the
given date and year according to the
specified convention. The week num-
ber indicates where the week falls
numerically within a year.
YEAR(< date >)
Returns the year of a date as a four
digit integer in the range 1900-9999 .
YEARFRAC(< start_date >,
< end_date >, < basis >)
Calculates the fraction of the year
represented by the number of whole
days between two dates. Use the
YEARFRAC worksheet function to iden-
tify the proportion of a whole year's
benefits or obligations to assign to a
specific term.
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