Database Reference
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Services, and you will need to enter the name of the server to connect to. If
it is on your local machine, using a dot (“.”) to mean “local” will suffice. Finish
by choosing the correct model and clicking OK.
Then on the Insert tab, choose PivotTable. Your screen should look similar to
the one shown in Figure 15-17.
F I g u R e 15 -17 Designing a pivot table
Drag FactOECDNationalReserve a LatestReserveValue to the Values box,
DimCountry a Regions to the Rows box, and DimDates a YMD to the Columns
box. Right-click in column A and choose Insert; then right-click in row 1 and
choose Insert to give the table a border. Do some basic formatting, and set
the value fields to use the currency format, as shown in Figure 15-18.
Finish the basic formatting by right-clicking Grand Total. If your pivot table
is in A1, this will be D2—if you have left an empty row and an empty column
surrounding your pivot table, this will be E3. All later cell references assumed
that this cell is in E3 and choose Remove Grand Total. The LatestReserveValue
is using a LastNonEmpty pattern, so it always shows the latest value, and Grand
Total for the rows is simply repeating the 2012 value.
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