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The FIrsT VIsuAlIzATIons
The very first visualizations (other than tables) were the time series and bar
charts you are probably very familiar with. Although earlier versions exist,
the art of line and bar charts was created in the form we are now familiar
with by William Playfair in the late 1700s. Other related developments, such
as the development of graph paper, also occurred in this time period. The
invention of lithography aided the widespread adoption of visualizations,
and new forms of visualization such as the pie chart soon followed. All these
developments were paralleled by the huge strides taken in cartography,
and the graphic techniques required to render these maps were used in
the visualization space. William Playfair's first bar chart is shown in Figure 1-1.
FIguR e 1-1 The very earliest bar chart from William Playfair
The goal of data visualization is to present data to either provide a more intui-
tive understanding of the data or show it in a way to view a large amount of
data in a smaller area. Artistic visualization is designed to present a piece
of data in a way that appeals to people and hence engenders interest in the
data being presented.
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