Database Reference
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A drill down requires a hierarchy, a predefined relationship between data
values. The hierarchy that will always appear in any BI analysis (with many
different versions) is the date hierarchy. In the most common date hierarchy,
the calendar date will be defined as Year-Month-Day, with the drill down
corresponding to that. Drill downs are most commonly shown with a “+” to
allow drilling down. The inverse of a drill down is a drill up, which will col-
lapse the expanded drill down, and this is most commonly shown with a “-”.
PerformancePoint analytic charts are an exception—drill down is achieved
by clicking the dimension member name, and drill up requires a right-click.
Figure 13-4 shows a drill down in Excel.
F I g u R e 13- 4 Drilling down on a pivot table and linked pivot chart
The display of the undrilled values next to the drilled values is by contrast to
PerformancePoint, which replaces the values with the drilled-down ones (as
you will see later in this chapter).
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