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uu Change in height (column charts, prism charts)
uu Change in position (scatter plots)
uu Change in area (bubble charts, tree maps)
uu Change in angular width (pie charts, donut charts)
uu Change in length (radar charts)
Combinations of these formats to add data—for instance, color to show a
change, and size of a bubble to show the absolute value—are very common.
ProBlems wITh PoInT-In-TIme ComPArIsons
The most common problem with comparison visualizations in popular
media is that, despite being a snapshot of the comparison at a point in
time, the time period is not listed. This can lead to confusion later on when
the comparison has changed.
Figure 12-1 shows an example from VizWorld ( http://www.vizworld.
com/2009/11/bad-infographic-mapping-emissions-country/ ) that
compares emissions. It has some of the problems mentioned in Chapter 2
with regard to the area of the bubbles (i.e., that the radius rather than the
area has been used, and it hasn't been labelled).
F I g u R e 12 -1 A comparison visual with several problems
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