Database Reference
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Create each of these on the FactOECDPopulation table, and use the follow-
ing formulae:
Each one of these
formulae takes the
average of the Value,
filtered by a particu-
lar metric.
, DimOECDStatistic[Metric] = "Average hours actually worked"
, DimOECDStatistic[Metric] = "GDP per hour worked"
, DimOECDStatistic[Metric] = "GDP per capita"
You will do this by right-clicking Add Column. Rename the column to
AvgHours . Paste the formula, starting with the equal sign, into the formula
bar making sure to keep all the text of the formula on one line.
Save your workbook. Now that you have a Power View model, you are
going to build out the animated scatter plot. Start by going back to Excel
and clicking Power View on the Insert tab. On the new sheet that is cre-
ated, drag GDPPerHour, AvgHours, and GDPPerCapita (in that order) from
FactOECDPopulation in the field choice tab on the right to the value box, as
shown in Figure 11-31.
F I g u R e 11 - 31 Dragging fields to the value box
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