Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The implementation examples in this section use the OECDPopulation
PowerPivot model available from this topic's web page (
visualintelligence ), and called OECDPopulationStats.xlsx . Building the
model is covered briefly in the next section, but refer to Chapters 5 and 6 for
more details.
Power View's best feature is the animated scatter plot. With a focus on inter-
action in general, the ability to drag a slider to animate changes in time (or
just let it play), this visualization is Power View's raison d'etre. In this section
you learn how to implement it.
Building a Model to Support Power View
Please see Chapters 5 and 6 for an introduction to building a PowerPivot
workbook. This section requires at least Excel 2010 for the PowerPivot pieces,
and Excel 2013 for Power View.
Power View requires a PowerPivot (or tabular) model to support the anima-
tion. You will need to set up a date table to allow the animations to work
correctly. Create a connection to the VI_UNData database, and make sure you
have imported the DimDate view, and the DimCountry, DimOECDStatistic,
FactOECDNationalReserve, and FactOECDPopulation tables. Note that the
DimDate view is near the bottom, and don't choose the DimDate table. Your
sheet should look similar to Figure 11-27.
You need to set up the relationships to the DimDate view by first clicking the
diagram button in the bottom right, and then creating relationships from the
two fact tables to the DimDate, using DimDateID. You need to click on the
DimDateID field on the fact table, and dragging it onto the DateID field on
DimDate. Your diagram should look like Figure 11-28.
Right-click DimDate, and choose Go To which will take you to the table
designer. In the Ribbon at the top, choose the Design tab and click the Mark
as Date Table button, as in Figure 11-29.
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