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three levels of integration within SharePoint, including sharing storage, security,
and site access of other business applications and data. SharePoint centrally
stores all application and user content data in SQL Server databases while also
providing a robust web application security system that is responsible for man-
aging access to content and data hosted on SharePoint sites. Additionally, the
SharePoint web application platform hosts business applications that permit
user collaboration and centralized document management for reports and
other types of content such as Word documents and Excel spreadsheets. As a
result, one of the primary benefits of selecting SharePoint Integrated Mode is
that it provides a unified portal presenting, managing, and securing business
documents and information in one place. Because reports can be managed as
just another form of content, applying the same security and administration
model as other SharePoint content, this integration is very attractive to most
IT departments as SharePoint administrators may assume reporting adminis-
tration duties, thereby reducing administrative overhead.
One significant
change to make
note of is that
as of SQL Server
2012, Reporting
Services SharePoint
Integrated Mode is
now implemented
as a SharePoint
2010 shared ser-
vice, which involves
tighter administra-
tive integration
with SharePoint. As
a result, Reporting
Services may be
configured within
SharePoint Central
Administration rather
than having to use
a separate tool as
previous versions of
Reporting Services
Figure 8-1 illustrates the connectivity between Reporting Services, configured
in SharePoint Integrated Mode, and the SharePoint farm via the Reporting
Services Add-in.
FIguR e 8-1 SharePoint Integrated Mode using the Reporting Services Add-in
The SharePoint Integrated Mode of deploying Reporting Services includes
some loss of the functionality found with Native mode. Notably, the following
features are not supported with SharePoint Integrated Mode:
uu Linked Reports
uu Custom Security
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