Database Reference
In-Depth Information
PerformancePoint has a Time Intelligence feature to support a rich variety
of common time selections such as Last Quarter, Current Financial Year, or
Last 3 Quarters. This Time Intelligence feature associates a common time
label with a specific filter period that is defined using the Simple Time Period
Specification (STPS) language.
Configuration of Time Intelligence is performed on the data source using the
Time tab. This is covered in the “Installing the PerformancePoint Samples” sec-
tion at the end of the chapter, speciically for the samples used in the topic.
After starting by selecting a dimension in the data source that stores calendar
dates, a reference date to begin a year for the dimension is provided.
Next, the hierarchy level of the date provided is selected. In the case of a date
of January 1, 2005, the hierarchy level may be set to Day. A reference date
that is equal to the period specified by the hierarchy level is entered and then
each member level has its appropriate
time aggregation set to the dimension
level corresponding with a given mem-
ber level (e.g., Calendar Year member
level is mapped to Year time aggrega-
tion level). A sample Time Intelligence
Reference Data Mapping is demonstrated
in Figure 7-3.
With the Time Intelligence properly
configured for a PerformancePoint
data source, the Time Intelligence for-
mulas can be used within a filter cre-
ated by selecting the Time Intelligence
template when creating a new filter.
Figure 7-4 shows the selection of a
Time Intelligence filter from the Select
a Filter Template dialog box that appears
when creating a new filter within
The resulting Time Intelligence filter can
be added to PerformancePoint dash-
boards in order to permit users selecting
these common Time Intelligence date
FIguRe 7-3 Configuring PerformancePoint data sources with Time
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