Hardware Reference
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First, connect the Arduino Uno +5V pin to the red rail on the breadboard, and the ground
pin to the blue rail. Then, place the DHT sensor and the CC3000 breakout board on the
After that, connect pin number 1 of the DHT11 sensor (see the schematic) to the red rail on
the breadboard, and pin number 4 the blue rail. Also connect pin number 2 of the sensor
to pin number 7 of the Arduino board. To complete the connections of the DHT11 sensor,
connect the 4.7k Ohm between pin number 1 and 2 of the sensor.
For the photocell, first place the cell in series with the 10k Ohm resistor on the breadboard.
Then, connect the other end of the photocell to the red rail on the breadboard, and the other
end of the resistor to the ground. Finally, connect the common pin to the Arduino Uno ana-
log pin A0.
Now, the WiFi module. First, connect the IRQ pin of the CC3000 board to pin number 3
of the Arduino board, VBAT to pin 5, and CS to pin 10. Then, you need to connect the SPI
pins to the Arduino board: MOSI, MISO, and CLK go to pins 11,12, and 13, respectively.
Finally, take care of the power supply: Vin goes to the Arduino 5V (red power rail), and
GND to GND (blue power rail).
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