Database Reference
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Google provides excellent tutorials for a variety of languages in the official project docu-
mentation .
Example Code
Unlike Avro (described here ) , which supports runtime schema binding, protobuf must be in-
tegrated into your development and build process. You begin by defining a model in a .proto
file. For example:
message Review {
required string reviewer = 1;
required string movieTitle = 2;
required int32 rating = 3;
You then run a protobuf compiler for your specific development language (e.g., Java) to gen-
erate code based on your model definition.
The mechanism for working with the objects generated by the protobuf compiler changes
slightly from language to language. In Java, we use a builder to create a new, writeable ob-
Review . Builder reviewBuilder = Review . newBuilder ();
reviewBuilder . setReviewer ( "Kevin" );
reviewBuilder . setMovieTitle ( "Dune" );
reviewBuilder . setRating ( 10 );
Review review = reviewBuilder . build ();
This review object can then be written to any sort of output stream:
FileOutputStream output = new
new FileOutputStream ( "review.dat" );
review . writeTo ( output );
Repopulating objects from previously serialized data is done in a similar fashion:
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