Database Reference
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GPL v2
Key-value store
Official Page
Hadoop Integration API Compatible
Oftentimes you may need to simply organize some of your big data for easy retrieval. One
common way to do this is to use a key-value datastore. This type of database looks like the
white pages in a phone book. Your data is organized by a unique “key,” and values are asso-
ciated with that key. For example, if you want to store information about your customers,
you may use their username as the key, and information such as transaction history and ad-
dresses as values associated with that key.
Key-value datastores are a common fixture in any big data system because they are easy to
scale, quick, and straightforward to work with. Cassandra is a distributed key-value database
designed with simplicity and scalability in mind. While often compared to HBase (described
here ) , Cassandra differs in a few key ways:
▪ Cassandra is an all-inclusive system, which means it does not require a Hadoop environ-
ment or any other big data tools.
▪ Cassandra is completely masterless: it operates as a peer-to-peer system. This makes it
easier to configure and highly resilient.
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