Java Reference
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if (someText.equals(theSameText))
System.out.println("5 TRUE");
someText # new String("another text");
// only changes the reference
if (theSameObject.equals(theSameText))
System.out.println("6 TRUE");
While variables' lifetimes are linked to that of the method where they are defined,
this is not true for the objects created in a method and referenced by object
variables defined in it. A variable of a method exists only while a thread of control
traverses the method. Attributes are used to store values of references that
must be kept beyond the end of a method. Object attributes have the same
characteristics as object variables.
The name attribute is initialized once and for ever by the constructor; its
value can be read by means of the name() method (Sidebar 4.2). Such an
approach can be generalized in the form of an idiom: read-only attribute.
Value is a public attribute, but there are constraints on the values it can
assume, in particular it can assume only the values allowed by the type. To
ensure that only allowed values can be assigned, it is implemented as a
private attribute. Two methods are provided to get and set its value. The
getter method is analogous to the one used for the name read-only attribute.
The setter method checks with the type if the new value is allowed; if it is not
then an IllegalArgumentException is raised. This approach can be generalized
as the constrained attribute idiom.
public class Feature {
private String name;
private String value;
private FeatureType type;
public Feature(String name, String value, FeatureType
this .name # name;
this .value # value;
this .type # type;
public String name() { return name; }
public String value() { return value; }
public void value(String newValue){
if (type.isAllowed(newValue))
value # newValue;
throw new IllegalArgumentException
("value" ! newValue !
" not valid for attribute " ! name);
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