Java Reference
In-Depth Information
<% try { %>
<h1><% # user.resource_name() %></h1>
<hr><h2> Work List </h2>
The work items you have to complete:
<!-- shows the worklist of the user -->
<table border # 1>
<tr ><th>WorkItem<th>Process<th>Description<th>Actions </tr>
// for each workItem..
WfAssignmentIterator it # user.get_iterator_work_item();
WfAssignment workItem;
while ((workItem # it.get_next_object())! # null ){
// ..take the corresponding activity..
WfActivity activity # workItem.activity();
// ..and if it is open..
if (activity.workflow_state() ##{
// show a row in the table with the details of the
// activity
<tr > <td > <b> <% # %> </b>
( <% # activity.key() %> )
<td > <% # activity.container().name() %>
( <% # activity.container().key() %> )
<td > <i> <% # activity.description() %> </i>
<td > <form action # "WorkItem.jsp" method # "POST">
<input type # hidden name # "workItem"
value # " <% # activity.key() %> ">
<% if (activity. while _open() ##
while _openType.not_running){
%><input type # "submit" value # "Start"> <%
} else {
%><input type # "submit" value # "View"> <%
} %>
<!-- shows the list of processes started by the user -->
<hr><h2> Processes </h2>
The processes you started.
<table border # 1>
<tr ><th>Process<th>State<th>Description<th>Actions </tr>
<% // for each process originated by the user..
WfProcessIterator procs # user.get_iterator_performer();
WfProcess process;
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