Java Reference
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public Proposal bestProposal(){
Proposal best # super.bestProposal();
if (resources.valid(best)) return best;
return closest(best);
// find the closest valid proposal
private Proposal closest(Proposal proposal){
String[] names # new String[proposal.getAttributes().
Iterator it # proposal.getAttributes().iterator();
Iterator[] values # new Iterator[names.length];
Proposal candidate # new Proposal(proposal);
for ( int i # 0; i<values.length; !! i){
names[i] # ((Attribute);
AttributeSpec attribute # spec.attribute(names[i]);
Collection admissibles # attribute.getValues();
values[i] # admissibles.iterator();
double min # 2;
double proposed # evaluate(proposal);
Proposal closest # null ;
while ( true ){
if (resources.valid(candidate)){
double delta # Math.abs(evaluate(candidate)
if (delta<min){
min # delta;
closest # new Proposal(candidate);
if (!explore(0,names,values,candidate)) break;
return closest;
// explores all the possible combinations of values for
// the attributes of the proposal, each invocation
// modifies the proposal
boolean explore( int i,String[] names, Iterator[] values,
Proposal p){
if (i ## names.length) return false ;
Value value;
boolean nested # explore(i ! 1,names,values,p);
if (nested){
return nested;
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